Social Media

Have Your Social Media Profiles Created By 3 Frogs

Use the power of social media to drive traffic and boost your website ranking on most search engines. All of the major social media platforms rank well in the search engines. How many times have you searched for something on Google and found Facebook, Instagram, or Reddit at the top of the results page? Creating profiles on these platforms are a sure fire way to drive more traffic to your website. How do I get started? 

Creating Your Social Media Profiles

In order to take advantage of social media, you’ll first need to create your accounts on the various platforms. Once the accounts are active, the next step is to create your business profile on each of the platforms. Once the profiles are created you can then begin to post to your accounts and build the momentum. If all of this sounds time consuming, we offer a set up service to get the ball rolling.

Social Media Setup Service

Our setup service will do all the heavy lifting for you. We’ll create the accounts, build your profiles and create your first post. After completing the process, we hand you the keys and you can begin posting your own content. If posting isn’t your thing we can also continue posting for an additional fee. 

We’ll link to your social media profiles from your website. We can also make it easy for your followers to interact with your website with Like Buttons, Instagram Feeds, and other plugins designed to work hand in hand with social media.

Social Media Setup

Get Started With Social Media
$ $300
  • Create Google Email Account
  • Facebook Account
  • Instagram Account
  • X formerly Twitter Account
  • YouTube Account
  • Create Profiles For Accounts
  • Upload Images & Logo
  • Add Business Information
New Sites Only

Posting Service

We'll Post Your Content On Social Media
$ 500 /month
  • Create 1 New Post/Week For Each Account
  • Promote Company Events
  • Showcase New Products
New Sites Only